MARIE LOK BJÖRK grew up in Västerås and Gävle, but now lives in Sigtuna. She is a journalist and has also studied cultural studies.

Her latest novel JAG VILL RIVA UPP HIMMEL OCH JORD (I WANT TO TEAR UP HEAVEN AND EARTH) was published by Bazar in 2023, and follows the life of Elise Ottesen Jensen – more commonly known as Ottar, one of the world's foremost fighters for female sexual freedom and the founder of RFSU (The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education).

Marie’s previous publications include the critically acclaimed novel ATT VÄLJA ETT LIV (TO CHOOSE A LIFE) (2021), the non-fiction book HANDBOK I JÄMSTÄLLT FÖRÄLDRASKAP (HANDBOOK IN EQUAL PARENTING) (2021) and the YA novel JAG BLUNDAR TILLS JAG FINNS (I CLOSE MY EYES UNTIL I EXIST) (2015).

Marie has been awarded several scholarships and prizes for her books. Her books are also often used as teaching material in both high schools and at university.

Photo: Gabriel Liljevall

Agent Maja Hjelm